New rent control measures in Carnisse neighbourhood

New rent control measures in Carnisse neighbourhood

ROTTERDAM, 17 May 2023 – In a bid to combat exorbitant rents, the city of Rotterdam is implementing a rental prohibition in the Carnisse neighbourhood, effective from 1 July 2023. This move, aimed at regulating the rental market, particularly targets the district's significant private rental stock and prevalent issues. Carnisse, home to the majority of EU labour migrants in the city, has seen rampant exploitation with workers often housed in substandard conditions at inflated rental prices.

City's initiative to regulate rents

The rental prohibition in Carnisse means that letting properties will only be permissible with a permit, granted under the condition that excessive rents are not charged. The city is working hand in glove with the housing corporation Woonbron to ensure the success of this pilot program.

Chantal Zeegers, Councillor for Climate, Construction and Living, affirms the significance of the Good Landlordship Act (Wet goed verhuurschap): “We are very pleased as a city to finally have something at our disposal to structurally address issues in the housing market. We are going to work with rental permits in Carnisse to put a stop to excessive rents. We want to better protect tenants from rogue landlords.”

Residential Rental Permit

The Residential Rental Permit (Verhuurvergunning Woonruimte) empowers the city to impose conditions on the way landlords operate in vulnerable areas. Besides, landlords are required to maintain a plan and adhere to a maximum rental price. Those found guilty of charging excessive rents risk fines up to €90,000. The specifics of information provision and enforcement will be developed during the Carnisse neighbourhood pilot.

Collaboration with Woonbron

The city is closely collaborating with the housing corporation Woonbron in this pilot. Woonbron is providing support to the city in finding alternative accommodation for existing tenants if needed.

Wouter Beekers, Director of Woonbron, expresses his commitment, “The majority of tenants in this private stock are the tenants for whom we, as a corporation, were created and for whom we work with full passion. We are therefore happy to contribute to addressing the existing issues in the private social rental sector so that the interests of the tenant are put first again.”

Carnisse was chosen for this pilot due to its high number of private rental homes and widespread issues among vulnerable tenants, including labour migrants.

Reporting undesirable landlord behaviour

Rotterdam City is setting up a reporting point for undesirable behaviour where tenants and house hunters can report issues and complaints about landlords or rental intermediaries. This reporting point supplements the existing Good Renting and Leasing counter and the anti-discrimination reporting point. The distinction from these existing points is that the city can now also proceed with enforcement.

Directions to Carnisse

Carnisse is located in the southern part of Rotterdam, known for its diverse population and bustling neighbourhood shops. Easily accessible via public transport, the district is served by bus and tram lines. For those traveling by car, the district is just a short drive from the city centre.

Rotterdam welcomes its first hydrogen-fuelled pick-up truck

Rotterdam welcomes its first hydrogen-fuelled pick-up truck

ROTTERDAM, 10 May 2023 – In a move towards sustainable mobility, Rotterdam municipality recently acquired its first hydrogen-powered pick-up truck. The city's commitment to environmental goals is underscored by this acquisition, with plans in place for all city vehicles to be zero-emission by 2030.

Presentation of the hydrogen-powered pick-up

During the World Hydrogen Summit, the keys to the hydrogen-fueled H2X pick-up truck were handed over to Robert Simons, a city official, by Chris Reitz from H2X Global and Nitin Biharie from Mobihy. The pick-up truck, called the H2X Warrego, is set to be used in the Kralingse Bos (Kralingen Forest) to support the rangers in their daily tasks.

Robert Simons, responsible for the Harbour and Economy sector, expressed his views on Rotterdam's ambitions. He stated that the acquisition of the hydrogen-powered pick-up puts the city's aim to become Europe's Hydrogen Hub into practice. Furthermore, the municipality's support allows for the continued development of technology and business cases, leading to economic activity and employment for the city.

Supporting innovation and start-ups

Rotterdam has an active role in supporting innovative projects and start-ups like HYGRO's mobility branch, Mobihy. With support from the municipality, Mobihy gets the opportunity to continue developing as a specialist in the field of hydrogen-powered commercial vehicles and to demonstrate the practical use of such vehicles.

Features of the H2X Warrego pick-up

The H2X Warrego pick-up truck, supplied by Mobihy, emits no CO2 and has a range of over 400 kilometers. Its off-road performance is comparable to diesel-powered vehicles, but the Warrego is considerably quieter during operation. This vehicle will soon be used by the city's rangers.

Douke Visserman from Mobihy and Chris Reitz from H2X Global both share the view that hydrogen is a promising energy carrier in transport, particularly for commercial vehicles and the transport sector.

The Smart Energy Systems programme

The acquisition of the pick-up truck is a direct outcome of the city's efforts through the 'Smart Energy Systems' programme. This programme aims to accelerate private innovation in the field of energy transition, including innovations like the hydrogen wind turbine and the 'wind to wheel' concept from HYGRO.

Rotterdam: Europe's Hydrogen Hub

Rotterdam is actively positioning itself as Europe's Hydrogen Hub. The acquisition of the first hydrogen pick-up truck from H2X is a practical step in this direction. By using this vehicle, experience and knowledge about the use of hydrogen vehicles within the municipality can be gained. Also, it helps develop hydrogen production capacity and infrastructure. The city will use these lessons to determine further steps towards a completely climate-neutral vehicle fleet.

Location of the event

The World Hydrogen Summit took place at the RDM Rotterdam, a former shipyard turned innovation showcase area. Located in the Harbour area of Rotterdam, the RDM campus is easily accessible by public transport, car or bike. Known for its industrial heritage and innovative atmosphere, the area is an ideal backdrop for an event like the World Hydrogen Summit.

Feyenoord's championship Win: anticipated celebration details

Feyenoord's championship Win: anticipated celebration details

ROTTERDAM, 9 May 2023 – The streets of Rotterdam may soon be filled with jubilant fans, should Feyenoord secure the Eredivisie championship on 14 May. If victorious, a celebration honouring the players and staff will take place at the city hall on the following day.

Anticipated championship celebration

Feyenoord is standing on the precipice of a potential Eredivisie championship, the results of which will be known on 14 May. A championship celebration (huldiging in Dutch), is tentatively scheduled for 15 May, should Feyenoord emerge victorious. At midday, players and staff would greet fans from the balcony of the city hall, showcasing the championship trophy.

Preparations for a large turnout

An influx of Feyenoord supporters is expected for the possible huldiging. Measures are being taken to ensure a smooth and safe experience for all attendees. Collaborative efforts from Feyenoord, the police, RET (Rotterdamse Elektrische Tram), and the municipality are ongoing. Comprehensive information about the possible huldiging can be found at

Public transport and travel advice

Attendees on 15 May are advised to travel by foot, bicycle, or public transport. Metro users can disembark at Rotterdam Central, Beurs, or Blaak, as the Stadhuis metro station will be closed. For up-to-date travel information, consult and Those planning to visit the city centre, but not the huldiging, should anticipate diversions, closures, and congestion, with limited accessibility to the centre.

Car and bicycle parking

For those who must drive, parking locations and public transport transfer points can be found at Traffic measures can be checked at Cyclists may refer to for a list of public bicycle parking spots.

Directions to City Hall

City Hall, the potential venue for the huldiging, is centrally located on Coolsingel in Rotterdam. The area is a bustling commercial hub, surrounded by shops, restaurants, and cultural landmarks. The exact address is Coolsingel 40, 3011 AD Rotterdam, Netherlands.

Sewing workshop aids vulnerable groups, reduces waste in Rotterdam

Sewing workshop aids vulnerable groups, reduces waste in Rotterdam

ROTTERDAM, 1 May 2023 - Oxious Talent Factory (OTF) opens its doors in Rotterdam's Feyenoord district, focusing on tackling the issue of textile waste and providing employment opportunities for vulnerable groups through a regenerative business model.

Oxious Talent Factory aims to make a difference

In the Netherlands, 300 million kilograms of textile waste is generated annually, with only 1% being recycled into new textiles. OTF intends to process recyclable textile waste into new products, while also repairing production errors to ensure defective collections find their way to consumers. From the outset, OTF collaborates with My Jewellery and Tomo, the first circular department store in the Netherlands, handling the repairs of their returns.

One hundred new jobs within five years

OTF aims to provide jobs for one hundred people who are not currently participating in society within five years. This includes asylum seekers with a background in the textile industry and mothers receiving welfare benefits. Ester Smit of Oxious said, “We want to help these individuals, who are currently 'invisible,' take the next step towards economic independence through our workshop.”

Reviving the manufacturing industry

OTF welcomes people from all backgrounds to develop and showcase their talents. The potential workforce is primarily sought among a large group of women and asylum seekers in and around the Feyenoord district. “We want to attract these skills by offering this target group perspective within a safe and attractive working environment,” said Smit.

OTF founders Esther Smit and Loes Stapper. Photo credit: Pressrecord.OTF founders Esther Smit and Loes Stapper. Photo credit: Pressrecord.

Oxious x Talentfabriek010 = Oxious Talent Factory

Rotterdam-based Oxious, led by Esther Smit and Loes Stapper, produces textile products under its own label and on behalf of well-known brands. Since 2015, the founders have been committed to promoting equal rights for women in the local community and using recycled materials. In 2022, Oxious was named B Corp Best for the World, placing it among the top ten most impactful companies globally. With OTF, Oxious aims to make a similar impact in Rotterdam.

OTF was founded by Talentfabriek010, an impact enterprise whose goal is to help Rotterdammers with a distance to the labor market develop their talents, receive training, and transition to paid work. OTF offers learning and work experience placements for this target group, as well as paid jobs. OTF aims to contribute to Rotterdam as the Circular Capital of the Netherlands, alongside other initiatives such as Makers Unite and Van Hulley, by bringing the textile manufacturing industry back to the country.

Group photo OTF. Photo credit: Pressrecord.Group photo OTF. Photo credit: Pressrecord.

Investing in a regenerative economy

Investors Start Foundation and Sociaal Impact Fonds Rotterdam both advocate for a Rotterdam where everyone participates and counts. They join forces as financiers of OTF. Rob Verbakel, investment advisor of Start Foundation, said, “OTF is one of these sustainable initiatives in which we believe. We are happy to support them with our knowledge, network, and money to help them grow in their ambition.”

Location and directions

The Oxious Talent Factory is located in the Feyenoord district of Rotterdam. The area is easily accessible by public transport, with bus and tram stops nearby. Surrounded by local businesses and residential areas, it contributes to the vibrant community atmosphere.


South Holland has highest burial costs in the Netherlands

South Holland has highest burial costs in the Netherlands

ROTTERDAM, 25 April 2023 – A recent study by Monuta reveals significant local variations in burial and cremation costs in the Netherlands, with an average of €4,503 paid for a single private grave in South Holland, the highest among all Dutch provinces.

Study shows local differences in funeral costs

The annual research conducted by Monuta covers 1,701 cemeteries and 112 crematoria across the country. It found that South Holland has the highest average cost for a single private grave at €4,503, while the average cost of a cremation with the use of an aula is €1,542. The average costs for a grave and cremation across the Netherlands are €3,209 and €1,575, respectively.

Lack of knowledge on financial implications

Quinten Fraai, CEO of Monuta, emphasises the importance of being transparent about the costs associated with funerals. He believes that many people are unaware of the financial implications of their choice of burial or cremation, and the location of their final resting place.

Cremation gains popularity

According to Dr. Martin Hoondert, University Lecturer in 'Music, Religion & Ritual' at Tilburg University, cremation has only been officially permitted in the Netherlands since 1955. The popularity of cremation has grown significantly since then, with two-thirds of Dutch people now opting for this option.

Wide range of prices and local differences

Prices for burials and cremations vary significantly between locations. South Holland has the most expensive average grave cost, while the province of Overijssel has the most expensive average cremation cost at €1,828.

Prices determined locally

Funeral costs are determined by local municipalities, cemeteries, and crematoria, with different services included in the price depending on the location. People are encouraged to research and compare services before making their final decision.

About the burial and cremation cost study 2023

The Monuta study analysed the grave costs of 1,701 municipal and private cemeteries in the Netherlands, mapping the costs of grave rights and burial fees. The total cost of a grave is determined by the grave rights, maintenance and burial fees. In addition, the costs of a silent cremation with and without the use of an aula were examined for 112 crematoria in the Netherlands.  

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