AnimeCon Rotterdam 2019 was a lot of fun!

AnimeCon Rotterdam 2019 was a lot of fun!

Animecon came back in Rotterdam after twenty years and it was bigger than ever. The festival for fans of Japanese games and anime once started in a room of the Rotterdam Holiday Inn (nowadays the Inntel Hotel). The event now attracts thousands of visitors and is big enough for Ahoy.

Rotterdam Comic-Con, which was planned for May 2019, was unfortunately postponed until next year. But there is also some good news for lovers of cosplaying; AnimeCon, which was scheduled for a month later, in Rotterdam Ahoy, took place as planned.

AnimeCon in the  Netherlands

AnimeCon is the largest and longest running Anime festival in the Netherlands. It has been held since 1999 and is organized by the volunteers of the J-POP Foundation. The event organizers expect around 20.000 visitors to immerse themselves in a world of anime and manga.

AnimeCon Rotterdam đź“· Nikki SmitsAnimeCon Rotterdam đź“· Nikki SmitsAnimeCon Rotterdam đź“· Nikki SmitsAnimeCon Rotterdam đź“· Nikki Smits

AnimeCon Rotterdam

The anime, cosplay and game festival has grown over the years into a fair with an area of more than 15 thousand square meters. Though five rooms are filled, the Rotterdam Ahoy complex still has a lot of space for further growth of the conference in the coming years. Besides the area for food, games and movies, you can also go singing in the karaoke corner and shop for J-pop items in the Dealer Room.

AnimeCon Rotterdam đź“· Nikki SmitsAnimeCon Rotterdam đź“· Nikki SmitsAnimeCon Rotterdam đź“· Nikki SmitsAnimeCon Rotterdam đź“· Nikki Smits

People from Rotterdam and other cities all come together to enjoy lectures, workshops, releases, cosplay competitions and of course to chat with other fans about their favourite anime. For anyone with an interest in Japan, but also other Asian countries, there is something to do at Animecon.

AnimeCon is best known for the colourful visitors who dress up these days as their favourite character from a series, film or game. On the other hand, the big difference with the Rotterdam Comic-Con is the lack of photo shoots, signature sessions and panels with famous Hollywood stars.

 We hope the festival will be back in Rotterdam in 2020.

AnimeCon Rotterdam đź“· Nikki SmitsAnimeCon Rotterdam đź“· Nikki SmitsAnimeCon Rotterdam đź“· Nikki SmitsAnimeCon Rotterdam đź“· Nikki Smits
Rotterdam 2019 European parliamentary election results

Rotterdam 2019 European parliamentary election results

Curious how Rotterdam voted in the 2019 European parliamentary elections? Of the 460,651 eligible citizens, only 155,506 exercised the privilege. Still, voter turnout in Rotterdam was 34 per cent, which is a lot higher than the 28.3 per cent in 2014.

Labour wins big

So, how did Rotterdam vote? While the rightwing parties VVD and FvD were trying to make it a two-party race, leftwing  PvdA (Labour Party) became the biggest party with 16,2 per cent of the vote. PvdA's rise is contributed to the popularity of Frans Timmermans, a PvdA politician who is currently serving as First Vice-President of the European Commission and running for President of the European Commission.

Also surprising, GroenLinks (GreenLeft) got 14.2% of the vote and came in second according to a separate report. The VVD (Liberals) came in third in Rotterdam with 13.7% while the progressive democrats D66 ended up with 9%.

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Far Right parties

Anti-EU parties FvD (Thierry Baudet) 12% and PVV 4.3% (Geert Wilders) scored 12% and 4.3% respectively. A week before the elections, Baudet got in hot water for writing an essay stating that some of Europe's problems were due to women joining the workforce. "An inevitable result of all this is the demographic decline of Europe. Another outcome is constant con­flict, constant competition—and in the end, fighting, divorce, and social isolation—and a new generation of boys and girls growing up in such disfigured settings." In the same essay, he also took aim at abortion rights and euthanasia as causes. 

Other parties

DENK 5.5%
CDA 5.4%
PvdD 4.9%
SP 3.9%


The Netherlands has a total of 26 seats in the European parliament. These are the parties representing the Netherlands in Europe for the next five years.

• PvdA ==> 6 seats
• CDA ==> 4 seats
• VVD ==> 4 seats
• Forum voor Democratie ==> 3 seats
• GROENLINKS ==> 3 seats
• ChristenUnie-SGP ==> 2 seats
• D66 ==> 2 seats
• 50PLUS ==> 1 seats

Geert Wilders' PVV, took heavy losses (from 4 seats to 0) and will not be returning to Europe. The same can be said for the Socialist Party (SP) who lost 2 seats and will now have to sit on the sidelines.
Deliveroo contributes €5.1 million in revenue to Rotterdam

Deliveroo contributes €5.1 million in revenue to Rotterdam

Deliveroo generates an additional 5.1 million euros in sales for affiliated restaurants in Rotterdam and also provides 256 additional jobs in the city. The analysis was done by the independent advisers of economic research agency Capital Economics. It maps out the full economic impact of Deliveroo's activities during a year.

If you've been living in Rotterdam for any length of time, you've probably ordered dinner online a couple of times. In recent years, Thuisbezorgd has been facing competition by the likes of Deliveroo.

Deliveroo in Rotterdam

An recent independent analysis shows Deliveroo's economic contribution to the Rotterdam economy over a period of 1 year. Overall, Deliveroo has helped generate 5.1 million euros in additional sales for the restaurants that make use of its service has created 256 jobs. All figures refer to the activities of Deliveroo in the 12 months prior to November 2018. The analysis was done by the independent advisers of economic research firm Capital Economics.

Deliveroo in the Netherlands

As or the Dutch economy? Deliveroo's contribution to economic growth in the Netherlands (measured by gross domestic product) is 26.8 million euros. Deliveroo's contribution to the Dutch treasury is 10.3 million euros in total, via corporate and employee tax.

If Deliveroo continues to grow at the current pace, the company will contribute to around 4,500 jobs and an economic output of 51.3 million euros in 2020 in the Netherlands, according to Capital Economics.

Additional facts & figures from the analysis:
  • Deliveroo contributes to 2,200 jobs in the Dutch economy, in addition to the 2,500 delivery staff in the Netherlands who now have good earnings and flexible work through Deliveroo.
  • Deliveroo contributes to 2,100 extra jobs in the restaurant sector of the Netherlands.
  • These are 1,300 jobs at restaurants that are part of a chain and 810 jobs at "independent" restaurants.
  • 59% of the Dutch restaurants surveyed saw an increase in the number of people who came to eat at their restaurant as a result of partnerships with Deliveroo. This underlines the increase in the in-house turnover of restaurants.
  • Deliveroo provides a total of 41.9 million euros in extra revenue for the Dutch restaurant sector.
  • Of this, 25.6 million euros is for restaurants that are part of a chain and 16.3 million euros for "independent" restaurants.
  • In total, Deliveroo generates 60.6 million euros in revenue for the Dutch economy.
Harry Potter concert with Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra

Harry Potter concert with Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra

Since 2016, the Harry Potter in Concert- series has been organized in Rotterdam. It's a production in collaboration with the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra. This year, the fourth edition has been held. The theme, The Goblet of Fire, the fourth Harry Potter film, based on the book with the same name.

Film music is hot! Last year "Bohemian Rhapsody" and "A Star Is Born" were Oscar contenders, and both music dramas garnered critical buzz. But live events for film music are also becoming bigger. The largest classical film music event in the Netherlands, The Evening of Film Music, recently came to the enormous Ziggo Dome in Amsterdam. In which the best-known soundtracks from films are played live by a symphony orchestra. 

Today, the Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire ™ In Concert live concert is being organized by the Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra and CineConcerts.

Harry Potter in Concert at De Doelen Rotterdam đź“· Nikki SmitsHarry Potter in Concert at De Doelen Rotterdam đź“· Nikki Smits

Rotterdam Philharmonic Orchestra

The 4 halls and more than 30 sub-rooms in the Doelen are used more than 1.200 times a year for various events. According to experts, the Rotterdam Philharmonic distinguishes itself by the intensity of its concerts, the colourful sound and the bold way in which it approaches its audience. Earlier, the orchestra performed live music from the films Lord of the Rings, Gladiator and The Matrix.

Harry Potter in Concert at De Doelen Rotterdam đź“· Nikki SmitsHarry Potter in Concert at De Doelen Rotterdam đź“· Nikki Smits

Harry Potter in concert

Because of the events, the whole building is in the Harry Potter atmosphere, there is also official merchandise available and some visitors have dressed up in their Hogwarts outfits. The film lasts over 2.5 hours and the concert also includes a 25-minute break in which everyone gets a free drink.

Harry Potter in Concert at De Doelen Rotterdam 📷 Nikki SmitsHarry Potter in Concert at De Doelen Rotterdam 📷 Nikki Smits    
Although the tickets, varying between €33 - €69, are a bit pricey, the event is certainly a great success, with a huge turnout. The Harry Potter in Concert-series can now be added to the long series of successful events in the Doelen. As one of the most important and most visited music stages in the country, it realizes a high-quality international program of concerts with classical music, world music, pop and jazz.

Harry Potter in Concert at De Doelen Rotterdam đź“· Nikki Smits Harry Potter in Concert at De Doelen Rotterdam đź“· Nikki Smits Harry Potter in Concert at De Doelen Rotterdam đź“· Nikki SmitsHarry Potter in Concert at De Doelen Rotterdam đź“· Nikki SmitsHarry Potter in Concert at De Doelen Rotterdam đź“· Nikki SmitsHarry Potter in Concert at De Doelen Rotterdam đź“· Nikki Smits
Fietsenbank aims to normalise cycling for the less affluent

Fietsenbank aims to normalise cycling for the less affluent

In Rotterdam, people with a minimum wage can now turn to the Fietsenbank for a free bicycle. The Fietsenbank is somewhat like a 'food bank' for bicycles. Having access to a bicycle increases makes people more mobile, improves their health and also increases civic participation.

Since the end of March, people with a minimum wage can turn to the Fietsenbank for a free bicycle and thus more easily participate in society. They also receive cycling lessons, because most have never cycled before. It does not cost them money, but there is a consideration in return: people must commit themselves to the neighbourhood and society, for example by donating tea and coffee in the community centre.

Bicycle ownership

In some Dutch cities and towns, bicycle ownership and use are far below the national average, with all its consequences: people move less and are less mobile. The Fietsenbank in Rotterdam's Feijenoord district is going to do something about it: it helps people who are not comfortable with a free two-wheeler. This initiative is supported by bicycle maker Gazelle.

“The Netherlands is praised for having much more bicycles than people, but in the Feijenoord district, a little less than two-thirds of the residents have a bicycle. There is also no car at the door. The lack of mobility has a negative effect: it is more difficult for people to meet up with friends, apply for a job or go to the gym,” says Adem Cankaya, project manager at Fietsenbank on behalf of regional public-private partnership De Verkeersonderneming.

Civic Participation in Rotterdam

The more than 100 bicycles on offer are second-hand, donated by the municipality of Rotterdam and the ANWB Children's Bicycle Plan (Kinderfietsenplan). People with a distance to the labour market (Stichting Pluspunt) refurbish the bikes. They are trained by bicycle technicians from Gazelle in how to set up the workplace and handle the bicycles.

The commitment is also to work together at new Fietsenbanks in Rotterdam. The ambition is to open three in total. The organizers are currently looking at starting a bank in Rotterdam West.

Getting a bicycle

Folks cannot simply walk into the Fietsenbank office and request a bicycle. This is done by a social worker. However, residents can take the first step themselves by contacting a counsellor.

To read more about the eligibility criteria, check out the official Fietsenbank webpage.

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