Visitors of Pleinbioscoop Rotterdam last Friday were treated to a surprise wedding minutes before the screening of the movie "Call Me By Your Name."
The scheduled film, "Call Me By Your Name", is a coming-of-age romantic movie about two young men who fall in love. While unsuspecting visitors made themselves comfortable to see the latest film by Italian director Luca Guadadigno, event organisers were busy bringing the theme of the movie to life.
And so it happened, that right before the show started, visitors were treated to a real-life love story starring Hanneke and Marijn. According to the two girls, the reason why they wanted to marry at Pleinbioscoop is that we can always use more love. "Nobody should have to explain who they fall in love with or who they love."
We wish Hanneke and Marijn a happy life together and lots of love.
Check out the wedding photos: