Rotterdam has 3,138 charging points for electric cars

Rotterdam has 3,138 charging points for electric cars

Since this month, the Netherlands has more than 50,000 charging points for plugged vehicles. This, according to a survey by the 'Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland' (RVO) on Wednesday.
An average of twelve hundred charging points per month were added this year, according to the government agency's figures. There are now 27,992 public and 21,351 semi-public charging points in the Netherlands. The number of fast chargers also increased: the RVO counted 1,136 at 289 locations.
The number of charging points increased the most in Rotterdam. Fifty more were added in November, bringing the total to 3,138.
The largest number of loading points is in Amsterdam, where you can reach 4,900 locations. There are now more charging stations in the capital than there are petrol stations in the Netherlands.
The Dutch government's Climate Accord sets the target of 1.8 million charging stations by 2030. The RAI Mobility Association would prefer three million charging stations to be ready before that date.

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