Rotterdam pass - how to have fun and save money in Rotterdam

Rotterdam pass - how to have fun and save money in Rotterdam

The Rotterdampas is a yearly discount card that offers free or reduced entry to over 750 activities in and around Rotterdam, including museums, attractions, and more.


If there is one thing that is an evergreen in the top three of favourite things for every Dutch person, it’s a bargain. If you are staying in Rotterdam for a weekend or a fortnight, go right ahead and skip this article. If you are here for a couple of weeks, months or years and are averagely active, do consider getting a Rotterdam pass, especially, if you have children! 

I have been here for a while and I hadn’t got one until recently, the main reasons being:

  1. Thinking it was a touristy thing to do, 
  2. Having to fill out a form online which includes uploading a photo, 
  3. It does cost €65* per person (kids pay €20)*.

*Note that there are various tariffs depending on whether you live in Rotterdam, have a low monthly income or are a student. For example, studnts who live or study in Rotterdam can obtain the pass for €20 per year. The list of exceptions is quite long, so do check the website (Dutch) for the latest up-to-date information.


The Rotterdam pass helps with saving money

However, you really get your money out of it. If you, let’s say, go to a few museums, a couple of movies, for a swim and a few ice creams. There are more things like discounts on eating out, special movies, beauty and relaxing therapies, indoor children’s playgrounds, sports clubs and tours. And there are lots of seasonal discounts as well.

Capri Ijssalon 📷 Anna SoetensCapri Ijssalon 📷 Anna Soetens

Children love the Rotterdam pass

For parents with children, there are more discounts in there, like good savings on a yearly zoo card or playgrounds aka theme parks like Plaswijk Park. But already the seasonal discounts, free nature playground, free ice creams, as well as the fact that all museums are free with the Rotterdam pass will provide a lot of entertainment.  

Rotterdam Zoo 📷 Anna SoetensRotterdam Zoo 📷 Anna Soetens
Natuurspeeltuin de Speeldernis 📷 Anna SoetensNatuurspeeltuin de Speeldernis 📷 Anna Soetens


Before you sign up, check the date, though. It's valid from March to March. And consider if you will make use of it. Are there really a couple of deals you are sure to use? If some options are going to float your boat, you really can save some bucks.

Is this really a winner for me? Ask me next a year in March! For more information on the Rotterdam pas, check out the official Rotterdampas website


Discover the Rotterdampas app: your digital key to fun

The Rotterdampas app is the perfect companion for pass holders, offering a seamless way to access all the benefits and discounts available. With a digital version of the pass included, users can explore hundreds of free and discounted activities in and around Rotterdam without worrying about forgetting their physical card.

The app also features an easy-to-use interface for browsing activities, creating a favourites list, and managing notifications. Available for both Android and iOS, the app ensures you make the most of your Rotterdampas, all from the convenience of your smartphone.


Haggling for it

P.S. If you do not want to get a Rotterdam pas, but still want a bargain on long or short holidays, funfairs, eating out and theme parks, you can decide to haggle. Just go on the auction site (it's more like eBay than Sotheby’s obviously) Vakantieveilingen, see what you like and place your offer. You might get a fantastic discount for a couple of people. It's all mostly on short notice, but it’s a bit more straightforward than Marktplaats (the Dutch eBay).

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