All around the world, World Food Day is celebrated every October 16th. This year, Rotterdam marks the occasion with its very own World Food Day festival. The event offers sneak peeks inside kitchens in and around Rotterdam, which are usually closed to the general public.
About World Food Day Rotterdam 2016
Interesting fact: World Food Day honors the founding of the United Nations' Food and Agriculture Organization in 1945.
Schouwburgplein is the main location for the festival. Expect to see cooking demonstrations by popular chef Rudolph van Veen, a celebrity food quiz and music by DJ Thelonius.
Other activities include a supermarket safari, talk shows in the Rotterdamse Schouwburg theatre and interesting presentations on how food travels all the way from the world to your plate.
World Food Day from World Food Day on Vimeo.
Info & line-up
World Food Day Rotterdam 2016 Date: 16 October 2016 |
The festival also features many tours. Some are by boat, others are by bus and some are by bicycle. You can find the official festival programme on the World Food Day Rotterdam website.