From fashion designer to teacher of the year, from history scientist to water envoy for the Dutch government and from young entrepreneurs with sustainable ideas to architects who successfully transform the fringes of the city. A variety of speakers are scheduled for TEDx Rotterdam. “With TEDx Rotterdam, we want to touch and inspire people. We also take the theme 'Raising the Bar' very personally, we want to put together the best edition of TEDx Rotterdam ", says Oscar de Grave, co-licensee of TEDx Rotterdam.
About TEDx
Every talk is no longer than than eighteen minutes and many of them are available online for free. Famous speakers from the past are Bill Gates, Jane Goodall, Elizabeth Gilbert, Sir Richard Branson, Nandan Nilekani, Philippe Starck, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Sal Khan and Daniel Kahneman.
Speakers at TEDx Rotterdam 2019:
• Henk Ovink - Ovink is Dutch Special Envoy on Water or Water Envoy. He helps governments worldwide with storms, tidal waves or other water-related problems. He also shares the knowledge that the Netherlands has about the fight against water.
• Kristian Koreman & Elma van Boxel - This duo founded ZUS Architects, Zones Urbaines Sensibles. ZUS realized pioneering projects such as Schieblock and the Luchtsingel in Rotterdam and Dune in Almere and won several international awards. The book "City of Permanent Temporality" was recently published. Incomplete & Unfinished "about their work.
• Ismail Aghzanay - Aghzanay is a teacher of the year in Rotterdam, because of his innovative way of teaching that connects more emotionally with students.
• YMP (Young Mitch Poetry) - Former inmate YMP is now a successful spoken word artist. In addition to many performances, he is gaining fame with his production house Flow.
• Wesley dos Santos - Dos Santos is the co-founder of shoe brand Diversité Footwear and the circular boat rental company iKapitein. In 2018 he won the FunX Media Business Award and the RET Aardig Onderweg Award, because of his sustainable invention.
• Melanie Roche - Roche wrote the book Thriving Through Cancer: Tools and Practices to Feel Better and Improve Your Quality of Life During Cancer and Beyond - An Integrative Method. She developed a 'body-mind therapy': a set of skills that strengthens awareness and improves the quality of life.
• Laura Luchtman & Ilfa Siebenhaar - Fashion designers Luchtman and Siebenhaar developed an innovative, sustainable way to colour clothing. In their search for a natural alternative to the usual textile dyeing processes, they came across bacteria that produce pigment.
• Maarten Engelen - The Engelen company uses nano-satellites that not only inhabited parts but literally give access to the data network from all corners of the world. For example, remote farms can also take advantage of data collection.
• Adilson Neves - Neves was in custody for six months for fraud, discovered where his power was and then managed to give his life a positive twist. Now he helps people who live in a care home and he inspires young people to mean something to others.
• Jean Marie Molina - As senior lecturer in Study Success at the Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, Molina developed a method that helps students graduate after a delay in their study career.
TEDx Rotterdam information
For more information on TEDx Rotterdam and for tickets, please visit the official TEDxRotterdam website.