Lorin’s Promenade brings floating art to Rotterdam

Spectacular floating art studio 'Lorin' moors in Rotterdam

HAPPENING 7–12 October 2024 | The floating art studio and performance ship 'Lorin' returns to Rotterdam, bringing a unique blend of art and music to the city's waterways. The Lorin's Promenade will showcase works by both Dutch and international artists, transforming the Spoorweghaven into a cultural hub.

Lorin's Promenade returns to Rotterdam

In October 2024, the floating art project Lorin's Promenade will once again dock in Rotterdam. The Lorin, a ship that has served as a creative space for Swiss artist Anmari Mëtsa Yabi Wili for over 15 years, will host an eclectic mix of art exhibitions and live performances. Known for its dynamic integration of visual art, music, and light, this year's edition will feature both Dutch and international artists as part of its programme.

A floating gallery and performance venue

The Lorin’s former cargo space, now known as the CargoSpaceGallery, will exhibit visual art alongside live performances from a variety of artists. Audiences will have the opportunity to witness performances on deck and attend concerts in the ship’s converted concert hall. The CargoSpaceConcerts will include performances of electronic music, classical works, and live experimental compositions.

Anmari Mëtsa Yabi Wili, a multi-talented artist known for her interdisciplinary approach, will lead these performances, collaborating with other artists and musicians to create unique experiences. The ship's concerts are designed to reflect the interaction between art and the environment, with the water itself playing an essential role in the performance.

Focus on art and diversity

A key feature of this year’s programme is a collaboration with ForumMusicDiversity (FMD) from Switzerland. The FMD's programme will explore themes of dominance, manipulation, and oppression through a series of concerts and performances. Among the highlights is a special double concert featuring contemporary Iranian composers Anahita Abbasi, Elnaz Seyedi, Niloufar Nourbakhsh, and Fojan Gharibnejad. These performances will be followed by experimental works from Marie-Cécile Reber and Anmari Mëtsa Yabi Wili.

Other notable performances include the Interencounter concert, where electronic improvisations by Xicoribas will meet classical interpretations of Chopin and Debussy by Eero Schoch. These performances will take place both on board the Lorin and in various locations across Rotterdam.

International artists on board

Lorin's Promenade brings an international flavour to Rotterdam’s artistic scene. Alongside the local artists, participants from Ibiza, Basel, and Strasbourg will also be presenting their works. One of the standout performances in Rotterdam is Videocity, which will feature video art by Ukrainian artists such as Maksym Khodak, Olia Federova, and Yana Bachynska, alongside works by Iranian artists Sara Sasani and Zohre Solati. These videos will be accompanied by live music from Niki Neecke and Anmari Mëtsa Yabi Wili.

Rotterdam event schedule

The Rotterdam portion of Lorin’s Promenade will take place from 7 to 12 October 2024 at Levie Vorstkade 30, 3071AG, Spoorweghaven, Rotterdam. During this time, visitors will be able to explore exhibitions at the CargoSpaceGallery and attend various performances both on board the Lorin and along the Spoorweghaven. Below is the full schedule of events.

7 October 2024

  • 14:00 - 18:00 | CargoSpaceGallery open
  • 16:30 | Lorin’s Post Office performance with Anmari Mëtsa Yabi Wili
  • 20:00 | Performances by Iranian composers Anahita Abbasi, Elnaz Seyedi, Niloufar Nourbakhsh, and Fojan Gharibnejad, featuring Seraina Ramseier, Jonas Tschanz, Olivia Steimel, and Karolina Öhman
  • 21:00 | Experiments with Marie-Cécile Reber and Anmari Mëtsa Yabi Wili

9 October 2024

  • 19:30 - 21:00 | Interdisciplinary Videocity featuring Ukrainian video artists, with live performances by ensemble drivingarts & sounds, Xicoribas, Niki Neecke, and Anmari Mëtsa Yabi Wili

10 October 2024

  • 20:00 | Unauthorised Sunset with Asako Fujimoto and Niki Neecke

11 October 2024

  • 20:00 | Interencounter with Anmari Mëtsa Yabi Wili, Eero Schoch, and Xicoribas

12 October 2024

  • 19:30 - 20:30 | PerformanceDrive with ensemble d r i v i n g s o u n d s & a r t s | Route: Spoorweghaven, Noordereiland, Erasmusbrug, Spoorweghaven
  • 21:30 until close | Finissage with surprise performances

Event location: Spoorweghaven, Noordereiland

Located near Rotterdam’s city centre, Spoorweghaven is easily accessible via the Erasmus Bridge. Visitors can enjoy views of the Rotterdam skyline while experiencing the cultural offerings on board the Lorin.

Spectacular floating art studio LorinSpectacular floating art studio Lorin
Spectacular floating art studio LorinSpectacular floating art studio Lorin
Spectacular floating art studio LorinSpectacular floating art studio Lorin

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