ROTTERDAM, 10 February 2022 - As of today, Witte de Withstraat is a 30 km/h street for cars and trucks. The famous Witte de Withstraat in Rotterdam is the first street in the city's '30 km/h approach' that starts this year. By reducing the speed, traffic in the street is safer for pedestrians and cyclists.
Road markings on the street
Extra lineation on Witte de Withstraat reserves space for cyclists and ensures that car traffic can travel slower. In order to meet the legal requirements for a 30 km/h street, speed bumps will be installed at the intersections from April onwards. Alderwoman Judith Bokhove of Mobility, Youth and Language unveiled the 30 km/h signs. "The changes to turn this street into a 30 km/h zone are large and expensive. In order to be able to introduce 30 km/h in many more streets, we are asking the national government to relax the standards for 30 km/h streets. Then we can introduce and enforce the lower speed faster and cheaper" says Bokhove.
30 km/h becomes standard in Rotterdam
Rotterdam wants to introduce a maximum speed of 30 km/h in the city for cars and freight. This reduction in the speed limit to 30 km/h ensures a safe and attractive city. It is expected that the number of car journeys in the city will fall by 78,000 as people opt for a bicycle or public transport. In addition, the lower speed helps make traffic clearer and safer.
Since 80% of the accidents take place on roads with a 50 km/h speed limit, lowering this speed limit is an effective means to increase traffic safety in the city. Moreover, the impact of a traffic accident at 30 km/h is much less, and pedestrians and cyclists even have a 90% higher chance of surviving the accident when colliding with a car.
Follow-up to 18 streets
This year, the municipality started lowering the speed limit in 18 streets in Rotterdam. Witte de Withstraat is the first street where 30 km/h is the standard. The other streets are: Willem Buijtewechstraat, Claes de Vrieselaan, Mathenesserlaan, Van Aerssenlaan, Bentincklaan, Walenburgerweg, Bergweg, Bergselaan, Rodenrijselaan, Zaagmolenstraat, Benthuizerstraat, Hofplein, Jonker Fransstraat, Haagseveer, Gedempte Zalmhaven, Lange Hilleweg and Willemsbrug.