The bicycle has an important role in the growing city of Rotterdam. In order to keep the city accessible, a mobility transition is needed and the bicycle plays a major role in this. A 'cycling plan,' titled 'Fietskoers 2025,' sets out the ambitions and plans for getting even more people on board.
Fietskoers 2025 Rotterdam
Although the car seems dominant in Rotterdam, the majority of all trips are not made by car, but on foot, by bike or by public transport. Everyday cyclists in Rotterdam cover 1 million kilometres, which is 27 times around the world. All the more reason to take cyclists in Rotterdam seriously.
In 'Fietskoers 2025,' all activities to improve facilities for fast and slow cyclists are discussed, as well as attention for new cyclists and safe cycling. The city also wants to encourage as many Rotterdammers as possible to use their bicycles (more often). For example, city-wide cooperation with employers and organisations that attach great importance to cycling and the expansion of the network of cycle paths in and around the city.
Knowledge and experience will also be shared in a regional cooperative, extra enforcement of bicycle parking will be deployed and bicycle data and innovation will be an important theme.
The Fietskoers 2025 was presented by alderman Judith Bokhove of Mobility, Youth and Language. "More cycling is healthy and with fewer cars, we have more space for the green in the city. In addition, in the city you can often reach your destination faster if you take your bike" says Bokhove.
In 'Fietskoers 2025,' all activities to improve facilities for fast and slow cyclists are discussed, as well as attention for new cyclists and safe cycling. The city also wants to encourage as many Rotterdammers as possible to use their bicycles (more often). For example, city-wide cooperation with employers and organisations that attach great importance to cycling and the expansion of the network of cycle paths in and around the city.
Knowledge and experience will also be shared in a regional cooperative, extra enforcement of bicycle parking will be deployed and bicycle data and innovation will be an important theme.
The Fietskoers 2025 was presented by alderman Judith Bokhove of Mobility, Youth and Language. "More cycling is healthy and with fewer cars, we have more space for the green in the city. In addition, in the city you can often reach your destination faster if you take your bike" says Bokhove.
Concrete plans for the coming years
In the coming period, the municipality of Rotterdam will be constructing wide, safe cycle paths. The city will focus on creating safe school environments and traffic lights will be adjusted to improve the flow of cyclists. In addition, the municipality of Rotterdam is constructing extra bicycle parking spaces at Rotterdam central station, Alexander station, Blijdorp, Coolhaven and the Noordereiland. Rotterdam will also pay attention to cycling and traffic safety in schools. Rotterdam aims to ensure that by 2022 all children in group 7 take their cycling exams.