Follow King's Day 2023 in Rotterdam via NOS

Follow King's Day 2023 in Rotterdam via NOS

Photo credit: ANP

King Willem-Alexander, Queen Máxima and their three daughters will celebrate King's Day in Rotterdam on 27 April. As usual, there will again be a tour where king and queen can get acquainted with the city. Dutch public broadcaster NOS will report on the visit live. 


Variety and colour

Rotterdam wants the one-kilometre walking route to show the city 'in all its variety and colour'. A city where many people have started over and are still starting over. Built up by people from all corners of the world.


The walk starts in Rotterdam-Zuid's Afrikaander neighbourhood. In the Maashaven, the group will take a water taxi onto the Nieuwe Maas. The route by water will include the ss Rotterdam, the former flagship of the Holland America Line. The royal cruise continues past Hotel New York, Wilhelminapier and under the Erasmus Bridge.

In the Leuvenhaven, the royal family disembarks and walks via the Blaak towards the Laurenskerk. Via the Markthal, the end point is reached on the Binnenrotte. 


Watch it on NOS

In the evening, NOS looks back on the day with a live audience. That too will be done live from Rotterdam. The broadcaster will do this with the people who played a role in the visit that day. 

Catch a live stream via, the NOS app, or watch on TV from 10:46 to 13:27 and the evening recap from 19:04 to 19:52.


Radio broadcast

Also on NPO Radio 1, there will be live coverage of King's Day in Rotterdam from 10:30 to 13:30. For the radio show, NOS will follow the royal party's journey through Rotterdam with three reporters and a number of guests in the studio above the Rotterdam public library.

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