Pets in Rotterdam - shops, animal shelters, breeders, owners

Pets in Rotterdam - shops, animal shelters, breeders, owners

Looking for a pet? In Rotterdam, there are various ways to find yourself a furry (or fishy) friend. From pet shops to breeders and from animal shelters to online marketplaces. 

Pets in Rotterdam 

Pets are great. For some people, a pet is everything, for others, a pet is a great addition to the family and for many, a pet is a best friend. Especially during times when staying and working from home is a thing, we would all like some company. But if you have not got a pet already, what to do? If you are not willing to catch yourself a wild parakeet freely flying around Rotterdam (also I am not sure if it is legal), then where can you get your hands on your furry or feathery or even scaly next best friend?

Pet Shops

Somehow, the smaller your future pet, the easier it is to simply get one in a shop. There are still pet shops around Rotterdam, where you can get fish, turtles, budgies (and maybe even parrots), mice, hamsters, and rabbits. Anything furry and little, just make sure you do not get two of the opposite sex, or it will be you who will be supplying the pet shop soon. Also, you can get a lot of advice for the beasties on sale and all the gear and food they need too. 
Fish skyscraper 📷 Anna SoetensFish skyscraper 📷 Anna Soetens
Sleeping fluffy 📷 Anna SoetensSleeping fluffy 📷 Anna Soetens

Animal shelters 

If you do not mind an older animal (to be fair, they sometimes have young animals too) or one that already had a home that was not a fit, you can always visit an animal shelter. For the Rotterdam area, you can check out You can find cats and dogs, but also rabbits, mice, guinea pigs, hamsters, birds, and even ex-test animals (mainly beagles, rats, and mice). It obviously also makes you a better person straight away to adopt your future best friend in a time of need, but there might be limitations, or you might just not be able to find what you are after. There are more websites with street dogs and such but have a good look before your “order”. Most of them are not from around as the Netherlands are nearly free of strays and will have to travel here from other countries. 
Screenshot Ik Zoek BaasScreenshot Ik Zoek Baas


If you already had a pet, you could always go back to where you got it and try your luck. That is also true for breeders, of course. Just right now, you probably will not have much luck and might have to go on a waiting list. Also, be prepared to shell out a few more quid than the last time you got your pooch or kitty.  


In the Netherlands, Marktplaats is quite literaly the Dutch equivalent of Ebay. Via this popular online marketplace, you can find just about anything, including pets!  You can get or ask for cats, dogs, and other pets on Marktplaats. Mind that you will have to do your own research. This means, you will have to check carefully, where they have grown up, how much money you are willing to spend and how long you must travel to get your hands on the fluffy friend advertised. And a word of advice; Marktplaats is not known for their user’s brilliant communication, so do not be surprised if you do not hear anything when sending a message. 
Screenshot MarktplaatsScreenshot Marktplaats

Vets, friends, pet pensions and supermarkets

Yes, an unlikely combination that title, but they are all worth a try. If you have friends with pets, ask them where they got them from. Maybe there are still some available where those came from. If you already had a pet and are considering a replacement now that some time has passed, you could check with your pets’ old vet or pet pension. These guys know a lot of people with pets and certainly, vets will have heard if young cuddlies have been born somewhere. Supermarkets are not that much of an outside chance as you might think. Check the notice boards there, people still leave messages in search of jobs or pets for or from the neighbourhood. Little old-fashioned, but still works. 
Looking for a vet in Rotterdam? Search for 'dierenarts rotterdam'Looking for a vet in Rotterdam? Search for 'dierenarts rotterdam'

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