Baroness to perform at Maassilo in Rotterdam

Baroness to perform at Maassilo in Rotterdam

Baroeg and Rotown are joining forces. On Thursday 24 October the two stages will present the American band Baroness at the Maassilo in Rotterdam.

Baroness does it just a little bit different from the average metal band. The American collective avoids the cliché of lugubrious black-grey-white tones by linking each album to a certain colour. Stylistically, the band regularly dares to stray to the regions of progressive rock, post-punk, folk, hardcore, ambient and neoclassical.

Baroness already played in Rotterdam in 2010 during the Metropolis Festival.

Baroeg and Rotown present Baroness at Maassilo


Maashaven Zuidzijde 1-2, 3081 AE Rotterdam

Date(s) & Time(s):
24 October 2019 | 19:30


Regular: €27

get tickets

Event type:
Rock concert


Location: Maassilo

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