New Rotterdam dining concept roasts guests as well as food

New Rotterdam dining concept roasts guests as well as food

Looking for a special (read: bizarre) night out during which you are made fun of and insulted throughout? In that case Roasted by Beurs may be what you've been missing in your life. Rude staff and zero etiquette, Roasted by Beurs aims to be the most scandalous restaurant in the Netherlands.
Whatever floats your boat, right? While some people like their food roasted, others prefer to feel the burn themselves. A new restaurant is opening in Rotterdam. Roasted by Beurs aims to garner the worst reviews ever, on purpose. The self-proclaimed 'most outrageous restaurant in the Netherlands' offers a brand new and unique concept which basically comes down to a total disregard of etiquette. Visiting Roasted by Beurs is at your own peril as "guests can count on gross insults from the staff."
From the moment you set foot inside the restaurant until the bill appears on the table, you are the victim of the rude staff. The witty theatre students of art centre SKVR, together with the employees of De Beurs ensure that you are hilariously insulted all night long.
Insulting someone as creatively, destructively and funny as possible: that's what a roast is all about. The phenomenon has come over from the United States and De Beurs is now introducing it to the Dutch hospitality industry. According to Roasted by Beurs, catering etiquette does not exist inside the restaurant. It's a place where the guest is 'you' and the staff must be addressed with 'sir'. Drinking water is served in a drinking bowl for dogs and you'll find an empty tip bucket placed pontifically on the table. The cheekiest curses are shouted at and guests are judged on their intelligence, appearance and attitude.
Roasted by BeursRoasted by Beurs

About Roasted by Beurs

Roasted by Beurs was to open officially on October 23rd, however this is now probably delayed due to COVID-19 prevention measures. Once restrictions are lifted, reservations can be made by phone and/or email.
The Beurs is located in the Lijnbaankwartier on the Kruiskade in Rotterdam. It is a bar, restaurant and entertainment venue in one, located in the former foyer of a cinema. During the day De Beurs is a nice place for a good lunch and a cosy social drink. In the evening there's dining in any price range. In the wee hours, De Beurs turns into nightclub frequented by Dutch youngsters.

Location: De Beurs


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